
And Then...the Dog Licked My Lens

Photo By: Calli Bicknese To preface my story about the day this photo was taken - I most of the time do not have a problem with being around dogs. I will say though, that most of the time when I am around dogs I am in the safety of her hands taking photos way above where any of the dogs are able to get me. That day, well, that day was very different. She took me over to her friend's house to spend the day hanging out and taking photos, of course I was excited. Anytime we go out to take photos all day is a good time. When we arrived at her friend's house as we approached the door I heard the dogs start barking. I WAS SO EXCITED! I love taking photos of dogs, they are so cute and give the best photos. When the door opened I saw two right off the bat, they were larger dogs. As she entered the apartment I noticed there were two more dogs as well, but they were two smaller dogs. As I was hanging around her neck, she sat down on the couch and immediately the dogs came and cro...

A Camera and Two Gnomes Walk Into a Bar...

Photo By: Calli Bicknese It was a quiet adventures. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. It was about half way through my night when my camera bag started to rustle. OH BOY, I thought to myself. Late night adventures are always so interesting, and I thought for sure that I was going to have one of those that night. As the camera bag opened though, I noticed that it was not her that was opening the bag. Actually, it one at all? Now, that night was the first night I had ever experienced anything quite like that at all. After my camera bag opened, it was silent for a few minutes..when all of the sudden my camera bag started tipping over. At that point I thought for sure I was going to drop and my lens was going to break, but when the bag tipped over I gently rolled out and landed right side up. I tried to see what was going on through my lens, but I was turned at an angle facing the wall so I could not see too much of what was going on. Then I ...

I Left My Camera In The Van

Photo By: Calli Bicknese On the road agaaaaaaain! Just can't wait to get on the road agaaaiiiin! I was singing to myself so loudly when I soon realized that we actually were going to be on the road again. My camera bag rustled and I knew immediately that we were about to set on another adventure. I remember being alarmed at first because she took me out of the bag before we even left the house - it was one of THOSE adventures. Those adventures are my favorite because I am able to snap pictures of the entire adventure instead of being trapped in a stupid bag for most of it. So there I was, in the car headed to the mystery destination once again. It had been awhile since I had been in the car without my camera bag covering my lens. She had my lens tilted at the right angle to catch all the trees and buildings that passed as we drove. I remember that was the first time that I had experienced what humans call "being car sick". My circuits seemed all out of whack the ...

Shutter In Chicago

Photo By: Calli Bicknese I LOVE THE TRAIN. Normally, when she takes me on the train that means we are going to Chicago! Unlike skitching ( see the story )...Chicago is definitely the right place for a camera like me. There are always so many things to look at. I just wish it wasn't so cold and windy there, my lens likes to fog up a lot. The train always lasts so long, and I am always super excited to get there. When we arrived in the city she took what felt like forever to get out of the station and outside where I knew we would finally be taking pictures. I was chilling out tucked inside of her jacket hoping she would take me out soon when her phone started ringing. After the conversation, it sounded like she was meeting someone somewhere. At that time I was wondering if that was the person we were going to take pictures of that day. I was prepared to take pictures of the scenery, I was unaware that I was going to be catching smiles. Finally we left the station and s...

Skitching Is No Place for a Camera

Photo By: Calli Bicknese If I remember correctly, it was a Tuesday night when she dragged me out into the arctic temperatures to experience what was probably something that only a GoPro should experience. I was all warm in my camera bag inside somewhere listening to her and her friends laugh and joke with each other when all of the sudden they started yelling about something called skitching? Honestly nothing could have prepared me for what happened next. Suddenly my dark, warm camera bag became extremely bright and chilly. Slightly excited and terrified it had become apparent that I was going with on this skitching adventure. She put me around her neck and outside we went. I was kind of upset she was taking me outside in the cold without and promise of capturing Christmas lights (normally that is our agreement), but I had never heard of skitching before which meant I was going to be capturing photos I had never seen before. Then began the wildest night of my life, here she...

You Brought a Camera to Walmart?

Photo by: Calli Bicknese Hurry up! That's all I could remember thinking as I felt the car moving. I knew we were going somewhere to take pictures, whenever she sets me in the car that is normally what's happening. This time was different though, I remember hearing two voices instead of just her voice, alone, singing obnoxiously to Britney Spears. This was the unusual part. When we go to take pictures its usually just the two of us; the dynamic duo.  I was excited to get where we were going partly because I could not wait to see what I was going to capture that day, but to put a face to that second voice. It took her forever to get me out of my camera bag, I about rolled myself off the seat to get her attention. Finally she picked me up out of the bag, FREEEEDDDOMMMM! I immediately waited to catch a glimpse of this new person, at this point I was not even concerned about where we were going to be taking pictures. I had really hoped that this person was going to ...

About the Author

My name is Calli Bicknese. I am currently a Senior and North Central College getting a degree in Computer Science with a minor in Media Studies/Communications. I have enjoyed working with computers all twenty three years of my life while pursuing other interests as well. Until my Junior year of college, I never played around with taking photos other than taking the occasional selfie on my cell phone. Once I started taking photos I grew a real appreciation for the art of photography. Along with taking photos came the art of editing photos as well, which I had prior experience with from taking a Photoshop class my sophomore year of college. I am excited to blend taking photos, something I have more experience with, and blogging. While I am more versed in photography and photo editing, I am excited to blend skills that I have more experience in with blogging. I took a media studies class last year where I was required to start my very first blog which I published on for a couple of...