You Brought a Camera to Walmart?

Person In Walmart
Photo by: Calli Bicknese

Hurry up! That's all I could remember thinking as I felt the car moving. I knew we were going somewhere to take pictures, whenever she sets me in the car that is normally what's happening. This time was different though, I remember hearing two voices instead of just her voice, alone, singing obnoxiously to Britney Spears. This was the unusual part. When we go to take pictures its usually just the two of us; the dynamic duo. 

I was excited to get where we were going partly because I could not wait to see what I was going to capture that day, but to put a face to that second voice. It took her forever to get me out of my camera bag, I about rolled myself off the seat to get her attention. Finally she picked me up out of the bag, FREEEEDDDOMMMM!

I immediately waited to catch a glimpse of this new person, at this point I was not even concerned about where we were going to be taking pictures. I had really hoped that this person was going to be photogenic...because after all, I was going to have to stare at them for a majority of the afternoon.  

There was good news and bad news that day. Oh, you want the good news first? Well, the mystery person was definitely photogenic. The bad news, she went to Walmart to take pictures!! Never in my lifetime...luckily the human I was capturing photos of knew how to strike a pose in the middle of the soup aisle. Although, I am still not sure why the soup was so funny. 


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